Lizabeth Scott

Loving You, 1957

Real Name: Emma Matzo
Born: September 29, 1922 in Scranton, Pennsylvania.
Died: January 31, 2015 in Los Angeles California.
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Among connoisseurs of fine 1940s film noir, Lizabeth Scott is THE woman! Quite often the femme fatale, but always the alluring beauty, she seemed to single-handedly carry almost every film she was in. Dead Reckoning, with Bogie, is one of my favorites! ("Back in my pocket...") Later on, in Loving You, she plays Glenda, the publicity agent who sees the potential in Elvis' character, Deke Rivers, and makes him a star using all the exploitation tricks she's got up her sleeve. Sorta like the Colonel, only infinitely better lookin'!

Although she made a few TV appearances after Loving You, and one more film (Pulp in 1972), she pretty much withdrew as a performer in the '60s, only surfacing for a few interviews in her later years. Lizabeth passed away January 31, 2015 in Los Angeles at the age of 92. If you're an Elvis fan, and you only know her from Loving You, do yourself a favor and watch one of the old '40s flicks with Lizabeth, and get a look at one classy dame!

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