Gloria in Jailhouse Rock

Gloria Pall

Jailhouse Rock, 1957

Real Name: Gloria Palitz
Born: July 15, 1929 in Brooklyn, New York.
Died: December 30, 2012 in Burbank, California.
Husbands: Robert Purdy Eaton (1956 - 1957)
Allen Kane (1964 - 1984)
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Gloria Pall

Gloria in Jailhouse Rock I didn't recognize the name Gloria Pall when I got her email. Then I visited her website, and said, "Oh, so you're the famous Legs Of Jailhouse Rock!". You might say Gloria literally had a walk-on part in the film. In the Florita Night Club scene where Elvis first meets Judy Tyler, Gloria plays the part of the stripper who is seen briefly walking in front of the camera. The publicity still here is obviously staged, Elvis' gaze and Judy's bemused glance framed by Gloria's legs. In the film, it's nothing more than a blur, and hardly interrupts their conversation. Gloria has her own website with more photos with Elvis, taken on the set of the film. Her other film appearances were also rather brief, although she had quite a modeling career. Probably her biggest splash was the impact she made in the Los Angeles area in the '50s as the TV movie hostess, Voluptua. Her steamy intros to romance films got her cancelled after just a handful of appearances! However, even if only for the cheesy photo here, she's made her mark in "Elvis-lore"!

Gloria passed away on December 30, 2012. A fun lady who made a big impression with just a few roles in her short acting/modeling career. Rest in peace, lady!

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