Chris Noel in Girl Happy

Chris Noel

Girl Happy, 1965

Born: July 2, 1941, Omaha, Nebraska
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Chris Noel

Chris photo portrait by John Derek To Vietnam veterans, she needs no introduction, she was the one who came over to entertain the troops and ended up a "casualty" herself, sharing the daily risks of the servicemen on the field, and suffering the same ungrateful treatment back home. As one of the Armed Forces Network's first female DJs since WWII, she gained immediate popularity with the GI's through her program A Date With Chris, and is credited with introducing the mini-skirt to the Far East ("Resist American influence, comrade, resist I tell you!")
Her book, Matter Of Survival is worth the price if only to read the quotes from "Hanoi Jane" Fonda. (The subtitle of the book is "The War Jane Never Saw") When addressing the North Vietnamese on the radio, Jane said, "In our country people are very unhappy. People have no reason for living." (Must've been talking about the people who went to see Barbarella) "We hope very soon that, working together, we can remove the American cancer from your country so that the misery and unhappiness that has come to the American people very deep in their souls will not happen to the Vietnamese people." (Puh-leeez! Let's keep Vietnam safe from American Imperialist workout videos!) So, anyway, enough of that! Suffice it to say that I enjoyed the book! Click on the cover to get a copy! Chris has since written a few other books about her career and experiences in Vietnam. Chris hangin' out with the troops

Chris - early modeling shot Chris started out as a model and saving up enough money, ventured out to Hollywood. She eventually got an audition for the part opposite Steve McQueen in Soldier In The Rain. She then made her obligatory appearances in a few "beach movies" like Beach Ball, Get Yourself A College Girl, and, of course, Girl Happy, with Elvis, Mary Ann Mobley, and Shelley Fabares. She played Betsy, one of Shelley's sidekicks. During this time period she also made a lot of TV guest appearances, including The Lieutenant with Robert Vaughn and Gary Lockwood, and Bewitched.

Chris' show business career never really recovered after her time in Vietnam. Chris was having enough trouble trying to recover herself. Like many of the soldiers who fought in the war, she found herself fighting to cope with everyday life after the experience of war. Today, she continues to work with veterans at her Vetsville Cease Fire House, and appears frequently at reunions. Says Chris today, "As time goes by, I find that the more I give to others, the more I get back. The veterans continue to inspire me to go on with my life and to keep working on their behalf." Chris now has her own website ( where you can see what she's up to! As you can see, Chris has been busy publishing a series of "Behind The Scenes" books with photos and tidbits of fun facts from her time making the films. The one for Girl Happy has a lot of interesting photos and stories about Elvis and the other costars. Check 'em out! Chris Noel

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