Francine & Elvis

Francine York

Tickle Me, 1965

Born: August 26, 1938, in Aurora, Minnesota
Died: January 6, 2017, Van Nuys, California
Official Site:

Francine had been a model in San Francisco and made a couple of minor film appearances when she was discovered by Jerry Lewis, who gave her a part in his film, It's Only Money (1962). She eventually made appearances in six of his films, including The Nutty Professor.

Her appearance in Tickle Me was as part of a short series of scenes in which Elvis is "helping out" various ladies around the ranch, and in each scene, Jocelyn Lane walks up and asks "Strictly business?" Such are the subtle plot-twists of an Elvis movie! Francine is the girl that Elvis is teaching archery. (Her big line: " this?")

Francine also made quite an impression on the Batman TV series as Lydia Limpet, the shapely sidekick to one of Batman's tamer villains, The Bookworm (Roddy McDowell). Since then, Francine has kept busy in both films and television appearances, recently appearing on "Lois and Clark" and "Beverly Hills 90210". She also appeared in the Nicolas Cage film, Family Man!

Sad to report that Francine passed away on January 6th of this year. Someone pointed out to me that it was noted at her official site.

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